Canadian artist falling within visions


Upcoming Exhibitions

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 And All of Everything

In April 2021, Gary James Joynes and I will be presenting Joshua Tree and Avatar’s Dream at the Art Gallery of St. Albert in a solo exhibition.

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Kingdom of Illumination (Fall of the Cosmos)

In spring 2021, Gary James Joynes and I are showing Kingdom of Illumination (Fall of the Cosmos) in a group exhibition at the Museum of Northern History in Kirkland, Ontario.

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The Birth of the World

Later in 2021, Gary and I have been invited by the Kala Art Institute in San Fransisco for a screening of The Birth of the World.



In late-2021, Brian Webb Dance Company will be presenting our live dance at Triffo Theatre in Edmonton. Gallery exhibitions with live dance to follow.

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Kingdom of Illumination

In 2022, Gary James Joynes and I will be presenting the video installation of Kingdom of Illumination at Harcourt House in Edmonton in a solo exhibition.